Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Experimenting In The Print Room.

The start of my final major project has consisted of experimenting with different print processes, looking at artists and crafts people, looking at giving new things a go and having fun with it all. 

I have experimented with new processes like Batik which did not work out as well for me as others for example drawing with printing ink in the print room. 

Working with my fine art tutor we came up with concept of using the plates and a paintbrush to simple draw the flower on instead of inking up with plate and taking away the ink to reveale the image. To water down the ink and make it useable a drop of white spirits need to be on hand so you can keep dipping your brush to dilute the ink as it can be very tough and sticky to work with, the process would be virtually impossible without white spirits so don't forget to have some on hand if you're going to try it.

After your image has been painted on and you are happy with it, ( I recommend you draw from a primary source, for me it was a bottle of Lily's I had brought in from home) take your plate to the printing press and create your print as you would any other like a monoprint. 

Personally I have realised through trial and error of printing that of course Fabriano paper needs to be previously soaked well but to leave it a little wet helps take the image from the plate better, I find if the paper is thoroughly dry the image has nothing to engage to and so it doesn't lift very well if at all. Make sure the paper isn't really wet and you will cause It to stick to the plate and the print will be ruined. This has happened to be before with a nearly successful print of mine and is very disheartened and disappointing to see, but it's all trial and error and you learn it for the next time. 

Happy printing folks! 

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