Thursday, 10 October 2013

Collections. Research

Using Pinterest I researched 'collections' and pinned a few of my favourites, I didn't find much on the site but the ones I did find I took a lot of insperation from. Here are the examples.

 This is by far my favorite piece, I love the way all of the items are in their own pacific groups and the backdrop really gives the items a raw feel. The items collate together perfectly and you can tell the person who put them together really did think about the arrangement carefully, the items are both horizontal and vertical which is an interesting choice, something I didn't think to do with my own. I will use this as inspiration when taking more pictures of my collections; this individual piece has made me want to explore my collection further and experiment to another level the arrangement of my objects. I will consider how I want to place them and also how I want to group them, if I feel my objects can be grouped. 

I really love the themes in this body of work, the drift wood piece is very interesting each piece of wood is shaped very similar, which says how much effort and care the artist put in when choosing his/her objects. This says a lot about the artist because to find 14 pieces of drift wood that is almost identically shaped obviously takes a lot of time and attention to detail. Something I need to take a leaf from. I took me all summer to collect my objects but I definitely could of taken more care when choosing them, and not just gone for the obvious. This piece makes me realize that and I will continue to push my collection further and constantly look for things to add to it.

This collection has a definite nature feel to it. All the materials seem very raw and earthy; the interesting bit about this collection is the isolate of the third collection as it is placed on black paper. It’s the focal point of this image for me. My collection was white and so I chose to place my objects upon black paper, I found this far more effective than white as it made my collection stand out far more, were as if I had placed them upon a white background they would of been invisible like, almost as if they are disguised. Although it could be interesting to try and its all part of the development. So I will try grouping my collections on different backgrounds and post the results.

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