Wednesday, 11 June 2014


Michael landy weeds, was my basis for these selection of prints. I loved his illustrations of creating weeds into beautiful fine line drawings, which held detail and meaning. I wanted to create the same kind of notion when I created these prints, they were made on a small plate, which is inked up and drawn onto using a fine pin tool. It's basically etched onto the plate. The plate is then placed through the printing press onto of the paper and the outcome is created. 

Printing has really been trial and error for me this year, I suffered a lot at the beginning with several aspects like trying to get the tension on the printing press right and ink inconsistency. So I was surprised and astounded when these prints worked out really well. I made sure I only place them through the printing press once and I found this worked well were as when it was placed through twice detail was lost and so was consistancy in the ink, which was strange but I made sure I didn't make theistsle twice. These prints have been created on flower paper, which adds to the beauty of the print I think. If I hadn't of researched Michael landys work, and createdjne off of his drawings I don't think they would of been as successful. I've used a continuous line approach with a sketchy line. This technique of drawing is something I have been doing for a while and it really works, it capture detail at a different scale to what it would if you used a pencil, which I think is interesting and unique. 

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