Wednesday, 11 June 2014


Strengthening my drawing within fine art has been important not only for printmaking but for future reference aswell. Repeating patterns and creating dresses out of these would be just a starting point, I think prints like these would make for diverse and interesting clothing. As I have a unique drawing taste, I could defiantly see my work coming together as a body of unique garments in the future. 

I always knew I wanted my final major project to revolve around printing. Forw printing is my calling I both enjoy and create good prints, which makes it seem like half the job sometimes. I have a real passion for printing, not only the work I become to create but artists aswell, this fmp has allowed me to explore printing and artists, it has helped me to appreciate all different aspects of print and artists, I have been able to take inspiration to create my own work. I would not of been able to of started this project without a base of research, it has definitely helped me in many ways. 
These are my dry point printing ghost prints, a ghost print is basically the print left over after the final print has been made, it is put through the press last and printed onto a sheet of newsprint. These ghost prints have actually captured the piece really well, this is obviously due to the left over ink. Personally I think my dry points make made my exhibition come alive, for me they were the definite focal point, they were my most successful prints and they are truly beautiful. 

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