Tuesday 13 May 2014

Floral Iphoneography.

Iphoneography is something my followers should already be familiar with because I covered it a few weeks ago on my blog when I first came across the process in photography. 

It's now final major project time and because I had so much fun with it first time round I thought I would give it another try and integrate both my only primary sourced photographs this time and previous knowledge. My base is natural surroundings, so I used picture of flowers I have taken from home or on my travels. The exciting thing about Iphoneography is that you get to choose how you develop your photo, lately I have been enjoyoyibg painting with developer because it allows you to take more control of the finished print , and create something much more diverse than just developing it normally in solution. 

As you can see these prints I think turned out even better than expected, I didn't know if the enlarged or light would pick up certain details of the flowers but it did and beautifully, and I developed only the areas I wanted to see and I think this works well. 

I will draw and print from these images in weeks to come. 

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