Wednesday 7 May 2014

Raphael Drouart

Published in 1927, this is a small but exquisite woodcut by Raphael Drouart, (1884-1972) a French artist listed in the Benezit, and famous for his Art Deco works.
The scene is located on the French Riviera, near Cannes, and shows a lovely Art Deco lady with a hat, walking along the seafront.
The style is typical of Drouart, dark strokes, close to each other, and tormented skies and wind motions, and the piece, though small, is not only representative of his style and of the Art Deco School of woodcuts, it is also, in my opinion, one of the artist's most accomplished compositions.
When creating my own wood cuts and lino prints, Raphael Drouart is a good artist to look at for inspiration, his mark making is precise and effective. He also works at different size scales, which I would love to be able to master with cutting tools, details like the leaves on the trees are breathtaking. 

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