Thursday 10 October 2013

Sample Panel.

I created a series of four sample panels before I went on and made my finished Sgraffito piece. Three of the panels I created I didn't choose to fire because I used them to practise with different tools. I used a pin headed tool to create my sample panel that I wanted to fire. 

I used my own hand as the subject matter, This is only the start of my panel. It had already been coated with a layer of "white slip" before I started carving. The clay was not yet leather hard which made it more difficult to carv into. 

As part of my collection I found a white flower, which obviously later died because that’s what flowers do. But I wanted to place the white flower in that hand. I didn't have the actual flower to look at and draw from when creating this image, which ruins the quality because drawing from life is important, and I didn’t have it to reference from which let my design down. 

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