Wednesday 9 October 2013

Photos Of My White Collection.

A series of photos of my 'White Collection' on black paper.
Shot with my Iphone 5.
I chose to put my items on black paper because I thought it would bring my objects out more than if I had chosen to place them on white.

Im not sure I like the way I have chosen to group these, the items to me don't seem like they have a relationship with one another because they are placed so far apart, I haven't really chosen to group any of them in a specific way except for the different shapes bottle tops. This picture is not one of my strongest.

This is one of my favourite pictures, all the objects come together perfectly almost as if they all have a special place and relationship (other than the first image) the bottles tops are placed vertical which was a good idea it almost creates a frame for the piece. I really concentrated on the arrangement with this image, I wanted each object to have a conversation with the other. I love how everything is pristine white and then you have the white but dirty pallet knife it almost breaks the photo up it certainly makes it interesting. I though a lot about placing this knife in my collection and I think it was a by far a good choice. Although its not really white it works well and dominates the collection.

This is my least favorite photo of my collection. Although I think it could definitely be stronger in terms of the placement and the amount of objects I have decided to use. Also I wanted my objects to have a strong relationship and from this photo I don’t think it really shows this as a final piece. 

My favorite bit about this picture is the plate although I’m still not very sure it works that well, it almost separates the other objects and leaves them isolated when that’s something I don’t really want. I think the plate doesn’t really work as part of my collection and it was a rational decision to place it in there.

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