Friday 1 November 2013

Sgraffito Vessel Evaluation.

My Sgraffito bowl is one of my favourite final outcomes created in this project. The process was something I really enjoyed researching and then practicing. I would love to use the process again in ceramics to create a lot of outcomes. When creating my bowl I wanted to bring in an element of fine art because I have defiantly become stronger in this area this year. I wanted to integrate my objects with something I have been doing in my fine art lessons.

During fine art lessons we have been looking at the body and we have also had a lot of life drawing sessions now that I am in my second year. I decided to look at hands and then place the objects of my collection inside an open hand. I think after drawing up some ideas in my book, which helped me make my decision massively without my planned sketches I would of had no idea were to have took it. I enjoyed using the carving tool and really went to work on the detail. After the piece had been fired I used a green coloured oxide to work with. I used a sponge to work in the detail and this really brought the design out. I really love how my bowl has turned out if I could go back and change anything next time round I would make sure to create a lot more sample pieces and experiment further with different glazes, under-glazes and oxides, I would also make sure that I created a lot more designs because you can never have enough previous planning. During the making of my bowl I only used my spiked end tool, next time I would encourage myself to experiment with a wider range of tools because it could strengthen my outcome.

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