Friday 1 November 2013

Textile Sample.

For my individual working piece I wanted to create a load of small molds in ceramics using the clay that we used for the plaster mold, but because I chose not to keep mine which was the worst decision I made, I had no choice but to work on something else.

I decided to do something with textiles and hand stitch my objects.
The equipment I used for this were as follows.
- 1 fabric ring
- 1 piece of fabric
- Needle
- 2 different coloured string

Once I had placed my piece of fabric in the ring I used a pencil to lightly draw on the shape of my objects. I wanted to sew them as negatives and not use too much detail as hand sewing is not one of my strongest areas.


I really enjoyed creating this hand stitch sample. It took me over 4 hours and a lot of concentration I definitely worked hard and individually when creating this.

I love the composition of this piece. I really considered were I wanted to place everything so that it came together well as a final piece.
I decided to use white fabric and not black with white thread, because my collection is white and I find it more appealing this way.
I went back into my sample using a peach colour thread. I used this for the bottle tops and to add some detail to the palette knife and the cup and the nail vanishes.

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