Friday 1 November 2013

Textile Sample Evaluation.

did not initially to create a sample related to my collection in textiles. Originally I wanted to create something in ceramics using my plaster cast mold but because I had thrown the clay part of this out this was not able to be done. In order to hit the distinction criteria it clearly states that I have to work individually to create outcomes, by creating my fabric sample I think I have achieved parts of this. I have not had much previous experience in textiles and hand sewing is not one of my strongest processes simply because I do not have the patience, but I spent over 4 hours on this piece and I think it certainly shows. I took my time hand sewing each of the objects, unstitching and re-stitching in places I did not think it was strong enough. I really enjoyed creating this textile piece because it shows that I do actually can create good outcomes in textiles and that it does come down to concentration and patience. I was very patient with this piece and I would defiantly repeat this process in future projects. I am going to aim many of my projects towards the textile and fashion root after this project have been submitted, so creating hand stitch samples is something I am going to carry on doing and hopefully my outcomes will become much stronger towards the end of the year.

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